Friday, March 2, 2012

I am not sure why but somehow bible study tends to be where blog ideas hit me!  I know such an unusal place but I guess because there are such interesting professors who come to share about their faith, I take away a nugget that causes me to think and ends up leading to this blog.  So let me get to the point.  Our speaker this week mentioned how she receives most of her news from CNN online.  She mentioned seeing a story about the CNN heroes and specifically about a lady who started a preschool for kids with life-threatening diseases. The idea came to her after raising a daughter with leukemia and how she was unable to attend preschool because her immune system was so low.  I thought wow, what an awesome story. 

So I went online and … was unable to find it but I found a list of amazing Heroes!  My goodness, these people have done amazing things.  For instance, Robin Lim serves as a midwife in Indonesia She created Yayasan Bumi Sehat Clinic (Healthy Women Earth Foundation) and delivers babies for women that cannot afford to use a traditional hospital.  Diane Latiker, a grandmother, started invited gang members into her home to provide a safe place.  Serving over 1500 teens, she created Kids Off the Block.  Richard St. Dennis created World Access Project after a speaking engagement in Mexico, where he gave away one wheel chair.  He continues to provide recycled wheelchairs, training and support to rural Mexicans who otherwise would not be mobile.   And… there are others who support military widows, football teens who suffered spinal cord injuries, provide soap to youth in need, and many others.  CNN has taken the time to honor them as Heroes. 

I found it interesting that CNN labeled each of their heroes as Community Crusaders. Each of these heroes saw a need within their community or the global community and found a way to meet the need.  Each of them became social change agents perhaps without even thinking of the impact they would have on those around them. 
CNN is looking for their 2012 Heroes.  How amazing that there are others in our country attempting to not be heroes but make a difference for their fellow neighbor! I am excited to see who will be honored!!

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